Trademark Cost
The cost of the entire federal trademark process is at least $800, including the Trademark Office fee, the attorney fee and a verbal response to an office action.
Below are the individual fees involved in obtaining a Trademark.
Also, click on the left menu categories to download detailed information about getting a patent based on your idea or if you need a trademark.
If you have any questions after reading this information, feel free to call or E-mail me at with no obligation. I charge flat fees for most of my work (unlike my competitors), so you will have a reasonable idea of the cost before you start.
Fees involved in obtaining a trademark | ||
Name | Amount | Payable To |
Trademark search (Federal only) | $325 | Attorney |
Trademark search (State & Common, Names) | $600 | Attorney |
Federal trademark preparation fee | $550 | Attorney* |
Federal trademark filing fee | $250/$350 | Trademark Office |
State trademark (Complete) | $600 | Attorney |
* If more than one federal application is filed at the same time, reduced rates are in effect: $500 for the second application and $450 for third and succeeding applications.
The cost of a federal trademark search is $325
The cost of a state and common law trademark search is $600
The cost of a attorney trademark filing fee is $550
The cost of federal trademark filing fee is $250/$350 ($250 if your goods exist on the trademark database)
The cost of state trademark complete is $600
Prosecution of the Federal Trademark Application (as required) | |
Response to trademark office action (variable with complexity) | $200 - $600 |
The cost of a response to a trademark office action is $200 - $600
Affidavit and Renewal Fees for Federal Trademarks | ||
Name | Amount | Payable To |
Trademark Statement of Use affidavit fee | $100 | Trademark Office |
Trademark Fee for filing Statement of Use | $275 | Attorney |
Trademark Incontestability & Statement of Use Fee, once after five years | $425 | Trademark Office |
Trademark filing fee for Incontestability & Statement of Use | $300 | Attorney |
Trademark renewal fee, every ten years | $525 | Trademark Office |
Trademark Preparation fee | $300 | Attorney |
Statement of Use affidavit fee paid to Trademark Office is $100
Attorney fee for filing Statement of Use is $275
Incontestability & Statement of Use Fee fee paid to Trademark Office is $425
Attorney fee for filing trademark Incontestability and statement of use is $300
Trademark renewal fee is $525
Attorney fee for filing trademark renewal fee is $300